MobilePay Invoice

Developer Documentation

Push notifications

Description Action EN DK FI Device
Push notification when User gets Invoice. Open context screen [Invoice Issuer name] wants to send you a bill [Invoice Issuer name] har en regning til dig [Invoice Issuer name] haluaa lähettää sinulle laskun iOS & Android
In app push when User gets Invoice Open context screen [Invoice Issuer name] wants to send you a bill [Invoice Issuer name] har en regning til dig [Invoice Issuer name] haluaa lähettää sinulle laskun (just for iOS)
Push notification when User opens Invoice via web Open context screen Pay a bill Betal en regning Maksa lasku iOS & Android
In app push when User opens Invoice via web Open context screen Pay a bill Betal en regning Maksa lasku (just for iOS)


SMS to user before due date

SMS is sent for ignored (not accepted or rejected) invoices.

SMS to user when payment fails